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ООО «МБКИ» выражает благодарность компании SoftMap в покупке лицензий SmartBear...

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Группа компаний Биг Скрин Шоу выражает благодарность SoftMap за помощь в приобретении Resolume Arena 5......

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АО «НИИП» благодарит компанию SoftMap за поставку программного обеспечения DipTrace...

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АО «АТС» благодарит компанию SoftMap за поставку программного обеспечения SolarWinds DameWare...

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5 из 5
Разработчик: Newfangled Solutions
NWFNGLDSLTNSSTMP1438 Срок поставки: 1-3 дня
29 275 рубq
NWFNGLDSLTNSSTMP1439 Срок поставки: 1-3 дня
204 923 рубq
NWFNGLDSLTNSSTMP1440 Срок поставки: 1-3 дня
3 659 рубq
NWFNGLDSLTNSSTMP1441 Срок поставки: 1-3 дня
14 637 рубq

Сравнение Mach3 и Mach4

Mach3 Mach4 Hobby Mach4 Industrial
Number of Planners 1 1 1
Number of Axis 6
Out of Band Axis (OBA) 0 1 6
Slave axis (uses up coordinated axes) 3
Slave motors (does not use up coordinated axes) N/A 4 per Axis 4 per Axis
API Interface - Open to All Hardware
Extended Plugin Support
User customizable GUI
Unified (GUI) Interface - PLC, CNC, etc..
Unlimited IO
Modbus PLC
PMC (Ladder Logic addressing for cnc/plc)
Unlimited File Size
Tool Path Display
Tool Path Speed & Quality Low
Scripting - Customization
LUA Scripting - simple, fast, cross-platform
- Lua sockets (ftp, http, smtp,..)
- SSL (security layer)
- LFS (manage large files and data storage)
- Seriel port
- Enraving of part numbers / serial numbering of parts
- Plugin panel objects
IPC Library for Data Sharing/tracking (Interprocess communication)
Full Feature Screens/Controls Per Machine Type
urrently Availabe: Mill, Router, Lathe, 3d Printer
Multiple gcode Interpruters (Per Machine Type)
Probing - Intergrated in standard screens
Simulated 3d Machining (with additional plugin license)
Tool Life Management (G10 L3 command)
Screw Mapping
Professional Screen Designer (advanced G.U.I.)
- Screen Animation Control
- Screen Integrated Tool Table Control
- Screen Integrated Work Offset Control
- Screen Integrated gcode editor
- Screen Artsoft Wizard Package Integration
Macro B gcode Programming (#variables)
- User definable gcodes via marco calls
- Macro Calls: G65, G66, G66.1
- gcode via marco call (custom G codes via macro B)
- mcode via macro call (custom M codes via macro B)
- mcode via sub code (custom M code via sup program)
- Conditional gcodes
- set VN call - define variable names
gcode Editor Included
Scripted M code (custom M code via LUA script)
Variable Speed Spindle
Spindle Relay
Coolant relay
Mist Relay
Rigid Tapping
Single Block
Block Delete
Optional Stop
Cutter Comp
Fanuc Type C Cutter Comp
Fixture Offsets
G51 Scaling
G92 Offsets
G52 Offsets
Event Driven
Multi Line MDI
Subs In MDI
OpenGL Optimization
Multi-platform OS Compatibility Option
Online Support
Phone Support Option Available
Support Priority
Available to End Users as "Do-it-yourself"

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